Join us in welcoming our newest team member at the PGA of Ontario!

Join us in welcoming our newest team member at the PGA of Ontario!


MARKHAM, ON - It is with great excitement that we share this announcement that is sure to make waves across the fairways! We are delighted to introduce a dynamic addition to our team at the PGA of Ontario head office. Please join us in extending a warm and enthusiastic welcome to Jerri McRogers, our new Marketing and Communications Coordinator, as of May 1st, 2024.

Jerri will quickly become a familiar face as she will be attending all PGA of Ontario events, creating and managing social content, and spearheading our communications strategy.

In this position, she will be using her expertise to effectively engage with members, grow our association’s brand and connect with the PGA community nationwide. Jerri’s diverse background in business, sports, content creation, event planning and communications, will allow her to excel in this role and bring innovative ideas to our marketing vision at the PGA of Ontario.

“I love that I am coming in right at the start of the season. Everything is picking up, golfers are thrilled to be back on the courses here in Ontario, and I know it is going to be a great season that I cannot wait to play a part in. I have come to love golf through my grandparents, playing myself, and during my time working at King Valley Golf Course.", says McRogers.

"Sports have played a huge role in my life and impacted me from a very young age. My favourite lesson from sport is that what happens off the field, court, ice or greens is just as important as what happens on. The leadership, people skills, connections and memories truly shape exceptional individuals, and I feel so lucky to have the opportunity to get to know all the wonderful people in this organization and industry.”

Jerri recently graduated from McMaster University, earning a Bachelor of Honours Commerce. She participated in the university’s unique Integrated Business and Humanities program, which prioritizes ethical business practices, community engagement, and effective communication.

Over her five-year tenure at McMaster, she balanced academics with extracurricular activities, including playing for the varsity women’s rugby team, working in the Athletics & Recreation department for four years, assuming leadership roles in various clubs, and excelling academically. In her fourth year, she completed an internship as a Human Resources Coordinator. Upon completing her degree at the end of April, she seamlessly transitioned into her new role on May 1st.

“It’s been a delight welcoming Jerri to our team.”, says Melanie van der Hoop, Executive Director at the PGA of Ontario. “She is keen to learn and has already begun to leave her mark on what we do in this office. She joins us with a diverse background, experiences, and skillset, all of which will give her tools to be successful in this busy environment. I’m certain she’ll have an immediate impact and I look forward to watching her grow as part of this team.”

Outside of golf and work, Jerri enjoys quality time with friends, family, and her beloved golden retriever. Her interests also extend to running, soccer, and tennis, reflecting her vibrant enthusiasm for sports. With her infectious energy and evident passion, we are confident that Jerri will be an outstanding addition to our team at the PGA of Ontario.

Members are encouraged to share an inviting welcome when the opportunity presents itself. Jerri can be reached here.

What a way to kick off the season! We cannot wait to see you soon, and we wish you all the best until then.