Justin O'Leary

Justin O'Leary

Head Professional at Cedar Brae Golf Club

2022 PGA of Ontario Club Professional of the Year

2022 PGA of Ontario Retailer of the Year


I  grew up Saint John, New Brunswick and moved to Ontario in 2004 to work at The Rock Golf Club. Since then, I have worked at Deer Ridge Golf Club and The National Golf Club of Canada.  Now I am entering into my 10th season as Head Professional at Cedar Brae Golf Club in Toronto.

1.    What did it mean to you to be the recipient of two PGA of Ontario Awards (Club Professional of the Year and Retailer of the Year) this past season?

It is a true honour to be recognized by my peers as a double award winner. Whether you win or not, the awards evening is a great way to finish off a busy season with your fellow professionals!

2.    What do you hope to accomplish this season?

Each year I enjoy setting both personal and professional goals for myself and at the club at Cedar Brae. These goals are what keep me focused during the season. I also do the same with our team in order to keep everybody motivated throughout the busy golf season. We always make sure that we properly celebrate when we achieve any of our goals as a team!

3.    What are some of your long-term goals?

I look forward to continuing to help Cedar Brae grow as a club. But equally importantly, I put a high level of focus on helping our Assistant Professionals grow and work towards becoming Head Professionals in the future.